Rightway Industrial Saloon Car Nationals

Sporting Regulations 2023-rightway-industrial-saloon-car-nationals-sporting-regulations—published

Event Supplementary Regulations 2023 Supplementary Regulations

Entry Form www.sportssedan.com.au/_files/ugd/6aea6e_4eb36f7ec4c04b20bbabe40309ec8eba.pdf

Technical Regulations http://motorsport.org.au/docs/default-source/manual/race/2023/ra27-group-3k-2023.pdf?sfvrsn=d45a0115_8


To celebrate the “Rightway Industrial Saloon car National’s” a one off T Shirt will be available to purchase for $39.00 plus post if needed,
orders can be placed via text to Nash Harris on 0421 395 315
Payment to be made to
Victoria Saloon Cars
Bendigo Bank
Bsb 633 000
Account 144 584 836
Please use you name as reference.
Orders will be available at the event, if postage is required please let me know and your order can be shipped once available.
Could I please have orders by the end of this month “June” to allow enough time for printing.